Thursday, June 19, 2008


There are only 2 hard things about moving:
1. missing out on the good times
2. missing out on the bad times.

Everything else will be fine.
Missing the good times is always tough. When you move away you miss birthday parties of close friends, holidays with family and celebrating milestones. I'll miss the 'good' of meeting a friend for Pepsi, preparing for a big event, and then having that post-wow get together with cake.

That's tough stuff.
But tougher still is missing the bad times. Not being here when children get sick, cars get into accidents, jobs are eliminated or any tragedy hits. To be far away when things are bad is far worse than being far away when good things happen.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Moving. Part 1

It's official. We are moving. From here to there. From Midwest to Southeast. From Racine to Atlanta. Nearly 700 emotions at work in my heart at any given time, so sorting thru them is impossible.

Listing the fears is helpful:
1. Our children: transition, friends, adjustment, schools.
2. Our home: selling this one and finding that one.
3. Timing: sharing the news in a way that honors each relationship.
4. Logistics: details terrify me. 
5. School: homeschool or public school?
6. Age: maybe we're too old to move. maybe our kids are.
7. well, you get the idea.
