Thursday, October 30, 2008

accountability partner hall of fame.

yesterday's post regarded the ridiculous gift from the Lord of moving an entire family to be with our family.

today, i would officially like to nominate peter jundt and his scary smart wife, heidi, into the accountability partners hall of fame. 

to move across the country to hold us accountable speaks of 2 things:
1. the jundt's depth of character, faithfulness and devotion
2. our depravity and need for accountability

how we see God's hand in this:
1. as we struggled for months to hear God's voice in this move, they sat for months with us and prayed
2. on the same day that john accepted the job here, peter lost his job there
3. heidi and i made a crazy 2.5 day trip down here to find a home for us
4. they were 'available' to help us move and spend 2 weeks with us here
5. heidi took isaac skateboarding while down here. she spoke to another mom at the park. and then the network began: one mom gave peter's resume to 3 contractors, who passed it on to 10 more firms and eventually peter got an interview, a call, another interview, and a new job
6. and the Lord was obvious. this one offer after 5 months of searching, eclipsed whatever else was out there.
7. in august i was bored. heidi and i took peter's computer and entered random 'things to do' on his calendar. including: buy a boat, make struedel, run for president and move to atlanta. we chose the random date of november 10 for 'move to atlanta'
peter's official start date has just been confirmed as november 10
when we entered it into his calendar he didn't even have an interview here

we are amazed
decades from now our children will look back at God's faithfulness and timing. their faith, like ours, will be stronger, deeper, richer because of this significant and profound moving of His hand in the lives of our 2 families.

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