Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Roller Coasters.

I stand in line for hours to ride a roller coaster. Once I finally get to my turn, I will even wait a few extra minutes to get in the front seat. Then, with my husband next to me, I grab the bar in front and scream for nearly 3 minutes straight. 

Why do we do that? 

Our life right now is a lot like a roller coaster. 

Lots of ups, downs, unexpected curves and spiritual screaming. (is that even theologically sound?!).

The Lord reminded me today that I actually like roller coasters. That He is the Great Designer of the ultimate Thrill Ride. That He designed this particular ride (this season) with me in mind. I have waited for months for the ride to begin. Anticipated and dreamed of the fun, but also questioned the safety and wisdom.

Why do we do this?

Now, as the cart leaves the gate, and we have survived the first initial plummet into this new life, I realize that I'm not alone in the front car. In addition to John, the Lord very much wants to ride this ride, which He created, with me.

And one more thing.
The Lord may have actually asked me to stop screaming long enough to enjoy the ride.

Why do I do that?

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Welcome to Georgia! I read your blog a few months ago & am finally getting back around to checking it out again. Love your analogy of the roller coaster with life, & God's design. I also enjoyed your "firsts" & "lasts" posts.

I hope you like it here in the south, despite the humidity! At least in your neck of the woods you might get a little snow & actual seasonal changes. Sometimes we don't know why or what God has in store for us when we are uprooted, but we can rest assured that with the challenges come MANY blessings!
