Tuesday, October 14, 2008

one year.

where were you a year ago today? what were you doing? what were your worries, concerns and celebrations?

i'm sitting today in a place that 1 year ago i didn't even know existed.

1 year ago 
  • my life was consistent with a pattern that had taken 10 years to develop
  • my mother-in-law had not been diagnosed with cancer
  • i knew where the post office was
  • my brother was still married
  • my mom was re-covering from a near-death surgery
  • my dad was harvesting (well, that one never changes)
  • i didn't know it could be this hot in October
  • i knew where my toaster was
  • we had finished writing the Christmas musical
  • we had begun rehearsing the Christmas musical
  • we had no clue it would be our last Christmas musical
i need to always make sure that in my search for Security i am not searching for Consistency. those are 2 different things. Consistency can provide Security, but Security doesn't guarantee Consistency.

God is a god of change. and my security has to be in Him, not in the life-shaking events around me. i can be secure even in the midst of this inconsistent, ever-changing, unstable world.

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