Thursday, October 16, 2008

my mom.

when my mom first got her cell phone, she insisted it didn't work... because she couldn't hear a dial tone. seriously. an entire week of her insisting she couldn't get the thing to turn on.

last week she sat on her front porch, picked up her cell phone and saw that she had 1 missed call. It was her friend Judy. So she pressed "Judy". Now my mom is not 'fleet of foot' these days, so when she sits, she likes to stay sitting. Just as she had dialed Judy, she heard her land-line ringing inside the house.

So she went in to answer it and closed her cell phone on the way in. By the time she got to the land-line it had stopped ringing.

Do you see where this is going?

She picked up her cell phone again, and called Judy. And again her land-line rang.

She closed her cell phone and the land line stopped ringing.

Then she remembered. This same thing had happened to her before! Just last month! Yep. Not only had she programmed Judy's number to be her own home number, but she had done this before. 

Who needs friends when you can play practical jokes on yourself?

1 comment:

Spoon said...

It seems so effecient that way...
