Friday, November 22, 2013

what if.

i have a lot of 'what if' moments in my life. usually the rearview mirror kind. the ones that begin with, 'what if i had done [blank] instead of [blank]?"

the kind that begin with old thoughts and end with new regret.

it's actually quite paralyzing to live with this 'what if' mindset.

last friday, i stood in our front room and looked out the window. i had a, 'what if...' thought. and as quickly as i finished that thought, the Lord gave me a new thought:

'if there is a 'what if' then there is no God.'

a life changing moment for me. you see He is saying that either He is in control of all things, past, present and future, or else He is not.
either He directs our steps or
He does not.

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