Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rocket Dogs.

I've hit that less than sentimental point in my life where priorities have shifted. The things that define a good day are radically different than a few years ago. 

A good day then included:
no spills
less than 7 band aids
happy meal (left over fries for me)
naps all around
a great rehearsal
late night movie

A good day now includes:
a comfortable pair of shoes
and a nap... for me.

Ok, the great rehearsal is still good and you can never go wrong with a movie. But the day that comfortable shoes became important was the day I saw my mother in the mirror. 

small sigh.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Hi! I stumbled onto your site by searching blogs for people who like to scrapbook. (I love to...just never seem to have the time to! :)

I enjoyed reading your posts. I really like your "sidebars," especially the one about "i believe." God is so awesome, & thanks for sharing the story about your dad & his friend. We are all so guilty of this. I recently had the opportunity to talk w/ a guy my hubby has done Bible studies w/in the past. He works w/ my husband & his life is a mess. You know, searching for happiness & peace in ALL the wrong places. God gave me the strength to speak more plainly than I normally do, & I hope to speak with him about other things on my heart. I pray that God's Word will convict & that he will respond to the Gospel. Your story encourages me to keep going!

(sorry this comment is SO long!)
